Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 7:00pm


This meeting will be held online via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357

If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.


So everyone is Zooming these days, and while you have a decent cell phone, managing all those windows and controls is easier on the PC. But… the camera or microphone on your computer is down! What to do?

Nancy Christolear went to everyone’s friend Google, searched for “cellphone as webcam”, and came up with a solution: an Android app called DroidCam, with a companion app that runs on Windows or Linux. Come find out more!

DroidCam: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dev47apps.droidcam

As always, any other news, discussions, and questions about Linux / Open Source topics are welcome.

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