January Meeting: TechFest Update, AREDN Q&A


Thursday, January 16, 2025 @ 7:00pm


Wright State University
Russ Engineering Center, Room 302

We will also have an online presence via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357

If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.

For those attending in person, we will most likely adjourn to Milano’s afterward for food and socializing.


No presentation is planned. Topics of discussion will include an update on our TechFest preparations from Grant Root and an opportunity to ask Chuck Gelm any follow-up questions about AREDN (which he presented in November).

As always, any news, discussions, and questions about Linux / open source topics are welcome.

December Meeting: Linux Print Magazines


Thursday, December 19, 2024 @ 7:00pm


Wright State University
Russ Engineering Center, Room 302

We will also have an online presence via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357

If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.

For those attending in person, we will most likely adjourn to Milano’s afterward for food and socializing.


We will review some of the remaining Linux magazines that are available by subscription in print or digital formats. We’ll also browse some of their latest articles.

As always, any news, discussions, and questions about Linux / open source topics are welcome.