
Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 7:00pm


Wright State University
Russ Engineering Center, Room 348 (alternate: Room 302 down the hall)

We will also have an online presence via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357

If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.

For those attending in person, we will most likely adjourn to Milano’s afterward for food and socializing.


Rick Willis will be demonstrating FreeCAD, the free and open source 3D parametric modeler.

From the website:
FreeCAD offers tools to produce, export and edit solid, full-precision models, export them for 3D printing or CNC machining, create 2D drawings and views of your models, perform analyses such as Finite Element Analyses, or export model data such as quantities or bills of materials.

As always, any news, discussions, and questions about Linux / Open Source topics are welcome.