
Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 7:00pm


Wright State University
Russ Engineering Center, Room 348

We will also have an online presence via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357

If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.

For those attending in person, we will most likely adjourn to Milano’s afterward for food and socializing.


Shawn Garrett will revisit a topic from last fall: running Kubernetes on the Civo cloud. Shawn says:

“I have the pleasure of being an Ambassador in the Civo community which is an easy to use Kubernetes first cloud provider. Civo recently just hosted their first Navigate event where keynote speaker Steve Wozniak shared his opinion on how easy it is to understand using the Civo platform. I’ll be sharing some of my experience getting started with Kuberentes in a cloud provider and how straightforward and simple it can actually be when compared to some of the major hyperscalers. I’ll even talk about some of the new features and services such as support for open source Talos Linux, a secure immutable Kubernetes distro with no SSH or console, instead driven by API.”

As always, any news, discussions, and questions about Linux / Open Source topics are welcome.