Thursday, January 20, 2022 @ 7:00pm
Wright State University
Russ Engineering Center, Room 348
If we can arrange it, we will also have an online presence via the Zoom web conferencing service.
Meeting ID: 876 0225 4357
If joining a meeting from a Windows PC, the Zoom client will automagically download and attempt to install. For those using Linux, you can download the free (not Free) Zoom client from this page. It’s available for a variety of distributions.
GIMP stands for either Graphics Image Manipulation Program or GNU Image Manipulation Program (depending on who you talk to). Originally created as a graduate project, GIMP is now managed communally, providing an open source alternative to Adobe Photoshop. It has been ported to Windows and MacOS and is the most popular free program for photo editing.
Nancy Christolear has been editing photos for the last 15 years using a variety of programs including GIMP. In addition to showing off the program, Nancy will demonstrate some basic techniques for improving your photos.
As always, any news, discussions, and questions about Linux / Open Source topics are welcome.